define(`DNSLOOKUP_IGNORE_TARGET_HOSTS', `')dnl define(`DNSLOOKUP_DOMAINS', `! +local_domains')dnl dnl dnl find substring `$2' in string `$1' define(`ifelse_strstr',`define(`_STR_INDEX_',`index(`$1',`$2')')`'define(`_IS_SET_',`eval(_STR_INDEX_ >= 0)')`'ifelse(_IS_SET_,`1',`$3',`$4')') dnl dnl change all occurences of the first character (`$2') in the string `$1' to second character (`$3') define(`replace_char', `translit(`$1', `$2', `$3')') dnl define(`semicolon2pipe', `translit(`$1', `:', `|')') define(`pipe2semicolon', `translit(`$1', `|', `:')') dnl dnl convert string `$1 to lower' define(`lower', `translit(`$1', `ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ', `abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwx')') dnl dnl caseinsensitive compare of strings `$1' and `$2' define(`strcasecmp', `ifelse(lower($1), lower($2), `1', `0')') dnl dnl define if not yet defined: if `$1' is not defined it will be `$2' define(`def_if_not',`ifdef(`$1',`',`define(`$1',`$2')')')