Some useful dlfunc functions for Exim ip2country Get country from reverse dns country tld or from MaxMind GeoIP if not possible (minimizes GeoIP outdated database records). Requires GeoIP C API Usage: ${dlfunc{/usr/local/exim/}{ip2country}{$sender_host_address}} returns: 2 letter iso code for given ip address or "--" if not found. get_env Return given enviroment variable content. Usage: ${dlfunc{/usr/local/exim/}{get_env}{PATH}} returns: enviroment variable content "" if not found. pipe_message Runs program injecting current message or file into it's stdin and returning the stdout output. Usage: ${dlfunc{/usr/local/exim/}{pipe_message}{app}{file}} If {file} is ommited, the current message is piped to the application. returns: application stdout output. DSpam usage example:: # the trick here is to call dspam in deliver=summary mode, which will # return only the dspam header, so you only need to add this header # to the message (no need to reinject it): warn set acl_m13 = ${dlfunc{/usr/local/exim/}{pipe_message}\ {/usr/local/bin/dspam --deliver=summary --client \ --mode=teft --user global}} set acl_m14 = ${extract {result}{$acl_m13}} set acl_m15 = ${extract {signature}{$acl_m13}} # now you get in acl_m13 the dspam header, the signature in acl_m15 # (if you need it for logging or something else) and the result # in acl_m14 # you could optionally retrain it if it comes from a very trusted sender: warn condition = [VERY TRUSTED SENDER] condition = ${if match {$acl_m14}{Spam}} set acl_m13 = ${dlfunc{/usr/local/exim/}{pipe_message}\ {/usr/local/bin/dspam --user global --client \ --class=innocent --source=error \ --deliver=summary --signature=$acl_m15}} set acl_m14 = Innocent (retrained) set acl_m15 = # deny at SMTP time if it's spam: deny condition = ${if match {$acl_m14}{Spam}} message = Spam not welcome # and if accepted add the proper header so it could be latter retrained # if need: warn condition = ${if def:acl_m14} add_header = $acl_m13 This enables exim to run dspam and add the result header to the message (both at data acl or at transport/router time) without having to run ugly transports which reinject the message again into exim. surbl Scans file for url's and test found urls against SURBL and URIBL Has to be run in mime ACL. Requires libCURL Usage: ${dlfunc{/usr/local/exim/}{surbl}{file}} returns: surbl result example:: warn set acl_m9 = 0 decode = default warn condition = ${if eq{${lc:$mime_content_type}}\ {text/plain}} set acl_m9 = ${dlfunc{/usr/local/exim/}\ {surbl}{$mime_decoded_filename}} warn condition = ${if eq{${lc:$mime_content_type}}\ {text/html}} set acl_m9 = ${dlfunc{/usr/local/exim/}\ {surbl}{$mime_decoded_filename}} deny !condition = ${if eq {$acl_m9}{0}} message = SPAM not welcome ($acl_m9) log_message = DATA detected SPAM ($acl_m9)