Installation procedure ---------------------- 1) Unzip vacation.tar.gz in plugins/ 2) Enable the vacation plugin in config/ $rcmail_config['plugins'] = array('vacation'); 3) Open plugins/vacation/config.ini in your editor and change the settings if needed. 4) chown $apache_user plugins/vacation/config.ini 5) chmod 0400 plugins/vacation/config.ini See README.TXT for additional information and requirements for each driver. Valid config.ini configuration options -------------------------------------- An optional default subject and bodytext can be specified using: subject = "Out of office" body = "default.txt" The body refers to a template textfile that contains a default text. No HTML can be used in this template. Here you'll find a list of available configuration options per driver: [*** None Driver ***] This driver has no configuration options. Use this driver to disable the 'Vacation' subtab in the Settings tab. [*** FTP Driver ***] - server = "" If 'server' is omitted, the FTP driver will use the current IMAP-server as server. Optional. - passive = False If set, the FTP driver will try to establish a passive FTP connection. Optional. - disable_forward = False If set to True, the end-user will not be able to set forwards. Defaults to false. Optional. [*** SSHFTP Driver ***] - server = "" If 'server' is omitted, the SSHFTP driver will use the current IMAP-server as server. Optional. - disable_forward = False If set to True, the end-user will not be able to set forwards. Defaults to false. Optional. [*** Setuid Driver ***] - executable = "/usr/bin/squirrelmail_vacation_proxy" Path to the actual setuid binary that read/writes the .forward file in a user's $HOME directory. Required. - disable_forward = False If set to True, the end-user will not be able to set forwards. Defaults to false. Optional. [*** SQL/Virtual Driver ***] - dsn = "pgsql://roundcube:password@localhost" Specifies a DSN (see that has access to the dbase specified below. Optional. If left empty, the DSN of will be used. - transport = "" Applies to Postfix SMTP-server only. See Required. This must match the transport in /etc/postfix/transport and /etc/postfix/ - dbase = "postfix" Database used by the mailserver. The vacation and virtual alias tables must exist in this database. Required. - always_keep_copy = true Always maintain an $email -> $email alias in the alias table. Defaults to true if omitted. Optional. - select_query = "SELECT destination FROM %m.virtual_aliases WHERE source='%e' AND destination='%g'" Query to retrieve aliases for the current user. Required. Parameters: %e = email address, %d = domainname, %i = domain_id, %g = goto . The latter is used for the transport. %g will expands to$transport %m is required as the Roundcube database should be different from the mailserver's database. - delete_query = "DELETE FROM %m.virtual_aliases WHERE domain_id=%i AND source='%e'" Aliases are recreated when saving vacation settings. Required. - insert_query = "INSERT INTO %m.virtual_aliases (domain_id,source,destination) VALUES (%i,'%e','%g')" Query to create new aliases. Required. - domain_lookup_query = "SELECT id FROM postfix.virtual_domains WHERE name='%d'" Required if you use a domain_id for storing the domain's in the alias table. - createvacationconf = true Creates /etc/postfixadmin/vacation.conf which has database configuration for the script. Optional. It uses the selected DSN to create the file. Make sure this file is only readable by the vacation user after it's created. If unset or false, you must edit manually and set database accordingly. - always_keep_message = true If vacation/auto-reply gets disabled, should we delete the subject/body set by the end-user? Optional. Defaults to true. - disable_forward = False If set to True, the end-user will not be able to set forwards. Defaults to false. Optional [*** Sieve Driver ***] TBD [*** Dot forward ***] Path to vacation binary - binary = "/usr/bin/vacation" Unsupported at the moment - flags = "" File that contains the body & subject of the out of office mail. Required - message = ".vacation.msg" Database file for vacation binary. Default should be ok. Required - database = ".vacation.db" If set to true use -a $alias in the .forward file and allow the user to select the aliases. By default the identities are shown if available - alias_identities = true If the vacation binary supports setting the envelop sender, set this to the right parameter. *BSD seems to use '-R' and Debian '-z'. See 'man vacation' for more info. - set_envelop_sender = false If vacation/auto-reply gets disabled, should we keep the .vacation.msg? Optional. - always_keep_message = true Protecting config.ini --------------------- If you use the 'virtual' driver, it's recommended to protect config.ini from being accessed directly using a browser. In the root of the plugin directory, you'll find .htaccess that prevents DSN password in config.ini from being exposed. Configuration examples for config.ini ------------------------------------- [default] driver = "sshftp" [] driver = "none" [] driver = "setuid" executable = "/usr/bin/squirrelmail_vacation_proxy" [] driver = "ftp" server = "" passive = True