dnl http://www.imperialviolet.org/dnsfix.html dnl http://www.imperialviolet.org/binary/check_nxdomain.m4 dnl dnl Version: $Id: check_nxdomain.m4,v 1.8 2003/09/21 04:48:26 root Exp $ dnl Written by: Wed Sep 17 00:52:59 CDT 2003 dnl This code is contributed to the public domain. dnl Use at your own risk. dnl TODO: dnl Add IP6 lookups. dnl Usage: dnl Do IP lookup on the host given with "MAIL From:" and look it up in dnl the access file/db: dnl MAILFROMIP: NXDOMAIN dnl If the access file shows it should be NXDOMAIN, rather than an IP, dnl reject the mail. [Being in the access file, the IP can be changed or dnl added to without rebuilding the .cf file.] LOCAL_CONFIG # map to make hostname into IP Kdnsa dns -RA divert(8) R$+ $: <@> $>CanonAddr $&f R<@>$*<@$*> $: < $(dnsa $2 $) > <$2> R<$*> <$*> $: $>A <$1> <$2 [$1]> R <$*> $#error $@ 5.7.1 $: "550 rejected Host/IP: " $1 ": DNS should have returned NXDOMAIN, not that IP."