", htmlspecialchars(">"), $str); $str = str_replace("'", htmlspecialchars("'"), $str); $str = str_replace("\"", htmlspecialchars("\""), $str); return($str); } /** * Helper function to create form fields, not to be called directly, * only by other functions below. */ function addInputField($type, $name = null, $value = null, $attributes = '') { // return '\n"; global $default_charset; if ($default_charset == "utf-8") { return '\n"; } else { return '\n"; } } /** * Password input field */ function addPwField($name , $value = null) { return addInputField('password', $name , $value); } /** * Form checkbox */ function addCheckBox($name, $checked = false, $value = null) { return addInputField('checkbox', $name, $value, ($checked ? ' checked="checked"' : '')); } /** * Form radio box */ function addRadioBox($name, $checked = false, $value = null) { return addInputField('radio', $name, $value, ($checked ? ' checked="checked"' : '')); } /** * A hidden form field. */ function addHidden($name, $value) { return addInputField('hidden', $name, $value); } /** * An input textbox. */ function addInput($name, $value = '', $size = 0, $maxlength = 0) { $attr = ''; if ($size) { $attr.= ' size="'.(int)$size.'"'; } if ($maxlength) { $attr.= ' maxlength="'.(int)$maxlength .'"'; } return addInputField('text', $name, $value, $attr); } /** * Function to create a selectlist from an array. * Usage: * name: html name attribute * values: array ( key => value ) ->