'send_to', 'cc' => 'send_to_cc', 'bcc' => 'send_to_bcc', 'body' => 'body', 'subject' => 'subject'); $mtdata = unserialize($mailtodata); foreach ($trtable as $f => $t) { if ( !empty($mtdata[$f]) ) { $$t = $mtdata[$f]; } } unset($mailtodata,$mtdata, $trtable); } /* Location (For HTTP 1.1 Header("Location: ...") redirects) */ $location = get_location(); /* Identities (fetch only once) */ $idents = get_identities(); /* --------------------- Specific Functions ------------------------------ */ function replyAllString($header) { global $include_self_reply_all, $username, $data_dir; $excl_ar = array(); /** * 1) Remove the addresses we'll be sending the message 'to' */ $url_replytoall_avoid_addrs = ''; if (isset($header->reply_to)) { $excl_ar = $header->getAddr_a('reply_to'); } /** * 2) Remove our identities from the CC list (they still can be in the * TO list) only if $include_self_reply_all is turned off */ if (!$include_self_reply_all) { global $idents; foreach($idents as $id) { $excl_ar[strtolower(trim($id['email_address']))] = ''; } } /** * 3) get the addresses. */ $url_replytoall_ar = $header->getAddr_a(array('to','cc'), $excl_ar); /** * 4) generate the string. */ $url_replytoallcc = ''; foreach( $url_replytoall_ar as $email => $personal) { if ($personal) { // if personal name contains address separator then surround // the personal name with double quotes. if (strpos($personal,',') !== false) { $personal = '"'.$personal.'"'; } $url_replytoallcc .= ", $personal <$email>"; } else { $url_replytoallcc .= ', '. $email; } } $url_replytoallcc = substr($url_replytoallcc,2); return $url_replytoallcc; } function getReplyCitation($orig_from, $orig_date) { global $reply_citation_style, $reply_citation_start, $reply_citation_end; // FIXME: why object is rewritten with string. if (!is_object($orig_from)) { $orig_from = ''; } else { $orig_from = decodeHeader($orig_from->getAddress(false),false,false,true); } /* First, return an empty string when no citation style selected. */ if (($reply_citation_style == '') || ($reply_citation_style == 'none')) { return ''; } /* Make sure our final value isn't an empty string. */ if ($orig_from == '') { return ''; } /* Otherwise, try to select the desired citation style. */ switch ($reply_citation_style) { case 'author_said': /** * To translators: %s is for author's name */ $full_reply_citation = sprintf(_("%s wrote:"),$orig_from); break; case 'quote_who': $start = '<' . _("quote") . ' ' . _("who") . '="'; $end = '">'; $full_reply_citation = $start . $orig_from . $end; break; case 'date_time_author': /** * To translators: * first %s is for date string, second %s is for author's name. Date uses * formating from "D, F j, Y g:i a" and "D, F j, Y H:i" translations. * Example string: * "On Sat, December 24, 2004 23:59, Santa wrote:" * If you have to put author's name in front of date string, check comments about * argument swapping at http://www.php.net/sprintf */ $full_reply_citation = sprintf(_("On %s, %s wrote:"), getLongDateString($orig_date), $orig_from); break; case 'user-defined': $start = $reply_citation_start . ($reply_citation_start == '' ? '' : ' '); $end = $reply_citation_end; $full_reply_citation = $start . $orig_from . $end; break; default: return ''; } /* Add line feed and return the citation string. */ return ($full_reply_citation . "\n"); } function getforwardHeader($orig_header) { global $editor_size; $display = array( _("Subject") => strlen(_("Subject")), _("From") => strlen(_("From")), _("Date") => strlen(_("Date")), _("To") => strlen(_("To")), _("Cc") => strlen(_("Cc")) ); $maxsize = max($display); $indent = str_pad('',$maxsize+2); foreach($display as $key => $val) { $display[$key] = $key .': '. str_pad('', $maxsize - $val); } $from = decodeHeader($orig_header->getAddr_s('from',"\n$indent"),false,false,true); $from = str_replace(' ',' ',$from); $to = decodeHeader($orig_header->getAddr_s('to',"\n$indent"),false,false,true); $to = str_replace(' ',' ',$to); $subject = decodeHeader($orig_header->subject,false,false,true); $subject = str_replace(' ',' ',$subject); $bodyTop = str_pad(' '._("Original Message").' ',$editor_size -2,'-',STR_PAD_BOTH) . "\n". $display[_("Subject")] . $subject . "\n" . $display[_("From")] . $from . "\n" . $display[_("Date")] . getLongDateString( $orig_header->date, $orig_header->date_unparsed ). "\n" . $display[_("To")] . $to . "\n"; if ($orig_header->cc != array() && $orig_header->cc !='') { $cc = decodeHeader($orig_header->getAddr_s('cc',"\n$indent"),false,false,true); $cc = str_replace(' ',' ',$cc); $bodyTop .= $display[_("Cc")] .$cc . "\n"; } $bodyTop .= str_pad('', $editor_size -2 , '-') . "\n\n"; return $bodyTop; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* * If the session is expired during a post this restores the compose session * vars. */ $session_expired = false; if (sqsession_is_registered('session_expired_post')) { sqgetGlobalVar('session_expired_post', $session_expired_post, SQ_SESSION); /* * extra check for username so we don't display previous post data from * another user during this session. */ if ($session_expired_post['username'] != $username) { unset($session_expired_post); sqsession_unregister('session_expired_post'); session_write_close(); } else { // these are the vars that we can set from the expired composed session $compo_var_list = array ('send_to', 'send_to_cc', 'body', 'mailbox', 'startMessage', 'passed_body', 'use_signature', 'signature', 'attachments', 'subject', 'newmail', 'send_to_bcc', 'passed_id', 'from_htmladdr_search', 'identity', 'draft_id', 'delete_draft', 'mailprio', 'edit_as_new', 'request_mdn', 'request_dr', 'composesession', /* Not used any more: 'compose_messsages', */); foreach ($compo_var_list as $var) { if ( isset($session_expired_post[$var]) && !isset($$var) ) { $$var = $session_expired_post[$var]; } } if (!empty($attachments)) $attachments = unserialize($attachments); sqsession_register($composesession,'composesession'); if (isset($send)) { unset($send); } $session_expired = true; } unset($session_expired_post); sqsession_unregister('session_expired_post'); session_write_close(); if (!isset($mailbox)) { $mailbox = ''; } if ($compose_new_win == '1') { compose_Header($color, $mailbox); } else { displayPageHeader($color, $mailbox); } showInputForm($session, false); exit(); } if (!isset($composesession)) { $composesession = 0; sqsession_register(0,'composesession'); } else { $composesession = (int)$composesession; } if (!isset($session) || (isset($newmessage) && $newmessage)) { sqsession_unregister('composesession'); $session = "$composesession" +1; $composesession = $session; sqsession_register($composesession,'composesession'); } if (!empty($compose_messages[$session])) { $composeMessage = $compose_messages[$session]; } else { $composeMessage = new Message(); $rfc822_header = new Rfc822Header(); $composeMessage->rfc822_header = $rfc822_header; $composeMessage->reply_rfc822_header = ''; } // re-add attachments that were already in this message // FIXME: note that technically this is very bad form - // should never directly manipulate an object like this if (!empty($attachments)) { $attachments = unserialize($attachments); if (!empty($attachments) && is_array($attachments)) $composeMessage->entities = $attachments; } if (!isset($mailbox) || $mailbox == '' || ($mailbox == 'None')) { $mailbox = 'INBOX'; } if ($draft) { /* * Set $default_charset to correspond with the user's selection * of language interface. */ set_my_charset(); if (! deliverMessage($composeMessage, true)) { showInputForm($session); exit(); } else { $draft_message = _("Draft Email Saved"); /* If this is a resumed draft, then delete the original */ if(isset($delete_draft)) { if ( !isset($pageheader_sent) || !$pageheader_sent ) { Header("Location: $location/delete_message.php?mailbox=" . urlencode($draft_folder) . "&message=$delete_draft&sort=$sort&startMessage=1&saved_draft=yes"); } else { echo '

" . _("Return") . '
'; } exit(); } else { if ($compose_new_win == '1') { if ( !isset($pageheader_sent) || !$pageheader_sent ) { Header("Location: $location/compose.php?saved_draft=yes&session=$composesession"); } else { echo '

" . _("Return") . '
'; } exit(); } else { if ( !isset($pageheader_sent) || !$pageheader_sent ) { Header("Location: $location/right_main.php?mailbox=" . urlencode($draft_folder) . "&sort=$sort&startMessage=1¬e=".urlencode($draft_message)); } else { echo '

" . _("Return") . '
'; } exit(); } } } } if ($send) { if (isset($_FILES['attachfile']) && $_FILES['attachfile']['tmp_name'] && $_FILES['attachfile']['tmp_name'] != 'none') { $AttachFailure = saveAttachedFiles($session); } if (checkInput(false) && !isset($AttachFailure)) { if ($mailbox == "All Folders") { /* We entered compose via the search results page */ $mailbox = 'INBOX'; /* Send 'em to INBOX, that's safe enough */ } $urlMailbox = urlencode($mailbox); if (! isset($passed_id)) { $passed_id = 0; } /** * Set $default_charset to correspond with the user's selection * of language interface. */ set_my_charset(); /** * This is to change all newlines to \n * We'll change them to \r\n later (in the sendMessage function) */ $body = str_replace("\r\n", "\n", $body); $body = str_replace("\r", "\n", $body); /** * Rewrap $body so that no line is bigger than $editor_size * This should only really kick in the sqWordWrap function * if the browser doesn't support "VIRTUAL" as the wrap type. */ $body = explode("\n", $body); $newBody = ''; foreach ($body as $line) { if( $line <> '-- ' ) { $line = rtrim($line); } if (sq_strlen($line, $default_charset) <= $editor_size + 1) { $newBody .= $line . "\n"; } else { sqWordWrap($line, $editor_size, $default_charset); $newBody .= $line . "\n"; } } $body = $newBody; $Result = deliverMessage($composeMessage); do_hook('compose_send_after', $Result, $composeMessage); if (! $Result) { showInputForm($session); exit(); } /* if it is resumed draft, delete draft message */ if ( isset($delete_draft)) { Header("Location: $location/delete_message.php?mailbox=" . urlencode( $draft_folder ). "&message=$delete_draft&sort=$sort&startMessage=1&mail_sent=yes"); exit(); } if ($compose_new_win == '1') { Header("Location: $location/compose.php?mail_sent=yes"); } else { Header("Location: $location/right_main.php?mailbox=$urlMailbox&sort=$sort". "&startMessage=$startMessage"); } } else { if ($compose_new_win == '1') { compose_Header($color, $mailbox); } else { displayPageHeader($color, $mailbox); } if (isset($AttachFailure)) { plain_error_message(_("Could not move/copy file. File not attached"), $color); } checkInput(true); showInputForm($session); /* sqimap_logout($imapConnection); */ } } elseif (isset($html_addr_search_done)) { if ($compose_new_win == '1') { compose_Header($color, $mailbox); } else { displayPageHeader($color, $mailbox); } if (isset($send_to_search) && is_array($send_to_search)) { foreach ($send_to_search as $k => $v) { if (substr($k, 0, 1) == 'T') { if ($send_to) { $send_to .= ', '; } $send_to .= $v; } elseif (substr($k, 0, 1) == 'C') { if ($send_to_cc) { $send_to_cc .= ', '; } $send_to_cc .= $v; } elseif (substr($k, 0, 1) == 'B') { if ($send_to_bcc) { $send_to_bcc .= ', '; } $send_to_bcc .= $v; } } } showInputForm($session); } elseif (isset($html_addr_search)) { if (isset($_FILES['attachfile']) && $_FILES['attachfile']['tmp_name'] && $_FILES['attachfile']['tmp_name'] != 'none') { if(saveAttachedFiles($session)) { plain_error_message(_("Could not move/copy file. File not attached"), $color); } } /* * I am using an include so as to elminiate an extra unnecessary * click. If you can think of a better way, please implement it. */ include_once('./addrbook_search_html.php'); } elseif (isset($attach)) { if (saveAttachedFiles($session)) { plain_error_message(_("Could not move/copy file. File not attached"), $color); } if ($compose_new_win == '1') { compose_Header($color, $mailbox); } else { displayPageHeader($color, $mailbox); } showInputForm($session); } elseif (isset($sigappend)) { $signature = $idents[$identity]['signature']; $body .= "\n\n".($prefix_sig==true? "-- \n":'').$signature; if ($compose_new_win == '1') { compose_Header($color, $mailbox); } else { displayPageHeader($color, $mailbox); } showInputForm($session); } elseif (isset($do_delete)) { if ($compose_new_win == '1') { compose_Header($color, $mailbox); } else { displayPageHeader($color, $mailbox); } if (isset($delete) && is_array($delete)) { foreach($delete as $index) { if (!empty($composeMessage->entities) && isset($composeMessage->entities[$index])) { $composeMessage->entities[$index]->purgeAttachments(); unset ($composeMessage->entities[$index]); } } $new_entities = array(); foreach ($composeMessage->entities as $entity) { $new_entities[] = $entity; } $composeMessage->entities = $new_entities; } showInputForm($session); } else { /* * This handles the default case as well as the error case * (they had the same code) --> if (isset($smtpErrors)) */ if ($compose_new_win == '1') { compose_Header($color, $mailbox); } else { displayPageHeader($color, $mailbox); } $newmail = true; if (!isset($passed_ent_id)) { $passed_ent_id = ''; } if (!isset($passed_id)) { $passed_id = ''; } if (!isset($mailbox)) { $mailbox = ''; } if (!isset($action)) { $action = ''; } $values = newMail($mailbox,$passed_id,$passed_ent_id, $action, $session); /* in case the origin is not read_body.php */ if (isset($send_to)) { $values['send_to'] = $send_to; } if (isset($send_to_cc)) { $values['send_to_cc'] = $send_to_cc; } if (isset($send_to_bcc)) { $values['send_to_bcc'] = $send_to_bcc; } if (isset($subject)) { $values['subject'] = $subject; } showInputForm($session, $values); } exit(); /**************** Only function definitions go below *************/ /* This function is used when not sending or adding attachments */ function newMail ($mailbox='', $passed_id='', $passed_ent_id='', $action='', $session='') { global $editor_size, $default_use_priority, $body, $idents, $use_signature, $composesession, $data_dir, $username, $username, $key, $imapServerAddress, $imapPort, $composeMessage, $body_quote; global $languages, $squirrelmail_language, $default_charset; /* * Set $default_charset to correspond with the user's selection * of language interface. $default_charset global is not correct, * if message is composed in new window. */ set_my_charset(); $send_to = $send_to_cc = $send_to_bcc = $subject = $identity = ''; $mailprio = 3; if ($passed_id) { $imapConnection = sqimap_login($username, $key, $imapServerAddress, $imapPort, 0); sqimap_mailbox_select($imapConnection, $mailbox); $message = sqimap_get_message($imapConnection, $passed_id, $mailbox); $body = ''; if ($passed_ent_id) { /* redefine the messsage in case of message/rfc822 */ $message = $message->getEntity($passed_ent_id); /* message is an entity which contains the envelope and type0=message * and type1=rfc822. The actual entities are childs from * $message->entities[0]. That's where the encoding and is located */ $entities = $message->entities[0]->findDisplayEntity (array(), $alt_order = array('text/plain')); if (!count($entities)) { $entities = $message->entities[0]->findDisplayEntity (array(), $alt_order = array('text/plain','text/html')); } $orig_header = $message->rfc822_header; /* here is the envelope located */ /* redefine the message for picking up the attachments */ $message = $message->entities[0]; } else { $entities = $message->findDisplayEntity (array(), $alt_order = array('text/plain')); if (!count($entities)) { $entities = $message->findDisplayEntity (array(), $alt_order = array('text/plain','text/html')); } $orig_header = $message->rfc822_header; } $encoding = $message->header->encoding; $type0 = $message->type0; $type1 = $message->type1; foreach ($entities as $ent) { $unencoded_bodypart = mime_fetch_body($imapConnection, $passed_id, $ent); $body_part_entity = $message->getEntity($ent); $bodypart = decodeBody($unencoded_bodypart, $body_part_entity->header->encoding); if ($type1 == 'html') { $bodypart = str_replace("\n", ' ', $bodypart); $bodypart = preg_replace(array('/

/i','//i'), "\n", $bodypart); $bodypart = str_replace(array(' ','>','<'),array(' ','>','<'),$bodypart); $bodypart = strip_tags($bodypart); } if (isset($languages[$squirrelmail_language]['XTRA_CODE']) && function_exists($languages[$squirrelmail_language]['XTRA_CODE'])) { if (mb_detect_encoding($bodypart) != 'ASCII') { $bodypart = $languages[$squirrelmail_language]['XTRA_CODE']('decode', $bodypart); } } // charset encoding in compose form stuff if (isset($body_part_entity->header->parameters['charset'])) { $actual = $body_part_entity->header->parameters['charset']; global $other_charsets; if ($other_charsets[strtoupper($actual)]) $actual = $other_charsets[strtoupper($actual)]; } else { $actual = 'us-ascii'; } if ( $actual && is_conversion_safe($actual) && $actual != $default_charset){ $bodypart = charset_convert($actual,$bodypart,$default_charset,false); } // end of charset encoding in compose $body .= $bodypart; } if ($default_use_priority) { $mailprio = substr($orig_header->priority,0,1); if (!$mailprio) { $mailprio = 3; } } else { $mailprio = ''; } $identity = ''; $from_o = $orig_header->from; if (is_array($from_o)) { if (isset($from_o[0])) { $from_o = $from_o[0]; } } if (is_object($from_o)) { $orig_from = $from_o->getAddress(); } else { $orig_from = ''; } $identities = array(); if (count($idents) > 1) { foreach($idents as $nr=>$data) { $enc_from_name = '"'.$data['full_name'].'" <'. $data['email_address'].'>'; if(strtolower($enc_from_name) == strtolower($orig_from)) { $identity = $nr; break; } $identities[] = $enc_from_name; } $identity_match = $orig_header->findAddress($identities); if ($identity_match) { $identity = $identity_match; } } switch ($action) { case ('draft'): $use_signature = FALSE; $composeMessage->rfc822_header = $orig_header; $send_to = decodeHeader($orig_header->getAddr_s('to'),false,false,true); $send_to_cc = decodeHeader($orig_header->getAddr_s('cc'),false,false,true); $send_to_bcc = decodeHeader($orig_header->getAddr_s('bcc'),false,false,true); // FIXME: ident support? $subject = decodeHeader($orig_header->subject,false,false,true); /* remember the references and in-reply-to headers in case of an reply */ $composeMessage->rfc822_header->more_headers['References'] = $orig_header->references; $composeMessage->rfc822_header->more_headers['In-Reply-To'] = $orig_header->in_reply_to; $body_ary = explode("\n", $body); $cnt = count($body_ary) ; $body = ''; for ($i=0; $i < $cnt; $i++) { if (!ereg("^[>\\s]*$", $body_ary[$i]) || !$body_ary[$i]) { sqWordWrap($body_ary[$i], $editor_size, $default_charset ); $body .= $body_ary[$i] . "\n"; } unset($body_ary[$i]); } sqUnWordWrap($body); $composeMessage = getAttachments($message, $composeMessage, $passed_id, $entities, $imapConnection); break; case ('edit_as_new'): $send_to = decodeHeader($orig_header->getAddr_s('to'),false,false,true); $send_to_cc = decodeHeader($orig_header->getAddr_s('cc'),false,false,true); $send_to_bcc = decodeHeader($orig_header->getAddr_s('bcc'),false,false,true); $subject = decodeHeader($orig_header->subject,false,false,true); $mailprio = $orig_header->priority; $orig_from = ''; $composeMessage = getAttachments($message, $composeMessage, $passed_id, $entities, $imapConnection); sqUnWordWrap($body); break; case ('forward'): $send_to = ''; $subject = decodeHeader($orig_header->subject,false,false,true); if ((substr(strtolower($subject), 0, 4) != 'fwd:') && (substr(strtolower($subject), 0, 5) != '[fwd:') && (substr(strtolower($subject), 0, 6) != '[ fwd:')) { $subject = '[Fwd: ' . $subject . ']'; } $body = getforwardHeader($orig_header) . $body; $composeMessage = getAttachments($message, $composeMessage, $passed_id, $entities, $imapConnection); $body = "\n" . $body; break; case ('forward_as_attachment'): $subject = decodeHeader($orig_header->subject,false,false,true); if ((substr(strtolower($subject), 0, 4) != 'fwd:') && (substr(strtolower($subject), 0, 5) != '[fwd:') && (substr(strtolower($subject), 0, 6) != '[ fwd:')) { $subject = '[Fwd: ' . $subject . ']'; } $composeMessage = getMessage_RFC822_Attachment($message, $composeMessage, $passed_id, $passed_ent_id, $imapConnection); $body = ''; break; case ('reply_all'): if(isset($orig_header->mail_followup_to) && $orig_header->mail_followup_to) { $send_to = $orig_header->getAddr_s('mail_followup_to'); } else { $send_to_cc = replyAllString($orig_header); $send_to_cc = decodeHeader($send_to_cc,false,false,true); } case ('reply'): if (!$send_to) { $send_to = $orig_header->reply_to; if (is_array($send_to) && count($send_to)) { $send_to = $orig_header->getAddr_s('reply_to'); } else if (is_object($send_to)) { /* unneccesarry, just for failsafe purpose */ $send_to = $orig_header->getAddr_s('reply_to'); } else { $send_to = $orig_header->getAddr_s('from'); } } $send_to = decodeHeader($send_to,false,false,true); $subject = decodeHeader($orig_header->subject,false,false,true); $subject = trim($subject); if (substr(strtolower($subject), 0, 3) != 're:') { $subject = 'Re: ' . $subject; } /* this corrects some wrapping/quoting problems on replies */ $rewrap_body = explode("\n", $body); $from = (is_array($orig_header->from) && !empty($orig_header->from)) ? $orig_header->from[0] : $orig_header->from; sqUnWordWrap($body); $body = ''; $cnt = count($rewrap_body); for ($i=0;$i<$cnt;$i++) { sqWordWrap($rewrap_body[$i], $editor_size, $default_charset); if (preg_match("/^(>+)/", $rewrap_body[$i], $matches)) { $gt = $matches[1]; $body .= $body_quote . str_replace("\n", "\n" . $body_quote . "$gt ", rtrim($rewrap_body[$i])) ."\n"; } else { $body .= $body_quote . (!empty($body_quote) ? ' ' : '') . str_replace("\n", "\n" . $body_quote . (!empty($body_quote) ? ' ' : ''), rtrim($rewrap_body[$i])) . "\n"; } unset($rewrap_body[$i]); } $body = getReplyCitation($from , $orig_header->date) . $body; $composeMessage->reply_rfc822_header = $orig_header; break; default: break; } session_write_close(); sqimap_logout($imapConnection); } $ret = array( 'send_to' => $send_to, 'send_to_cc' => $send_to_cc, 'send_to_bcc' => $send_to_bcc, 'subject' => $subject, 'mailprio' => $mailprio, 'body' => $body, 'identity' => $identity ); return ($ret); } /* function newMail() */ function getAttachments($message, &$composeMessage, $passed_id, $entities, $imapConnection) { global $attachment_dir, $username, $data_dir, $squirrelmail_language, $languages; $hashed_attachment_dir = getHashedDir($username, $attachment_dir); if (!count($message->entities) || ($message->type0 == 'message' && $message->type1 == 'rfc822')) { if ( !in_array($message->entity_id, $entities) && $message->entity_id) { switch ($message->type0) { case 'message': if ($message->type1 == 'rfc822') { $filename = $message->rfc822_header->subject; if ($filename == "") { $filename = "untitled-".$message->entity_id; } $filename .= '.msg'; } else { $filename = $message->getFilename(); } break; default: if (!$message->mime_header) { /* temporary hack */ $message->mime_header = $message->header; } $filename = $message->getFilename(); break; } $filename = decodeHeader($filename, false, false); if (isset($languages[$squirrelmail_language]['XTRA_CODE']) && function_exists($languages[$squirrelmail_language]['XTRA_CODE'])) { $filename = $languages[$squirrelmail_language]['XTRA_CODE']('encode', $filename); } $localfilename = GenerateRandomString(32, '', 7); $full_localfilename = "$hashed_attachment_dir/$localfilename"; while (file_exists($full_localfilename)) { $localfilename = GenerateRandomString(32, '', 7); $full_localfilename = "$hashed_attachment_dir/$localfilename"; } $fp = fopen ("$hashed_attachment_dir/$localfilename", 'wb'); $message->att_local_name = $localfilename; $composeMessage->initAttachment($message->type0.'/'.$message->type1,$filename, $localfilename); /* Write Attachment to file The function mime_print_body_lines writes directly to the provided resource $fp. That prohibits large memory consumption in case of forwarding mail with large attachments. */ mime_print_body_lines ($imapConnection, $passed_id, $message->entity_id, $message->header->encoding, $fp); fclose ($fp); } } else { for ($i=0, $entCount=count($message->entities); $i<$entCount;$i++) { $composeMessage=getAttachments($message->entities[$i], $composeMessage, $passed_id, $entities, $imapConnection); } } return $composeMessage; } function getMessage_RFC822_Attachment($message, $composeMessage, $passed_id, $passed_ent_id='', $imapConnection) { global $attachment_dir, $username, $data_dir, $uid_support; $hashed_attachment_dir = getHashedDir($username, $attachment_dir); if (!$passed_ent_id) { $body_a = sqimap_run_command($imapConnection, 'FETCH '.$passed_id.' RFC822', TRUE, $response, $readmessage, $uid_support); } else { $body_a = sqimap_run_command($imapConnection, 'FETCH '.$passed_id.' BODY['.$passed_ent_id.']', TRUE, $response, $readmessage, $uid_support); $message = $message->parent; } if ($response == 'OK') { $subject = encodeHeader($message->rfc822_header->subject); array_shift($body_a); array_pop($body_a); $body = implode('', $body_a) . "\r\n"; $localfilename = GenerateRandomString(32, 'FILE', 7); $full_localfilename = "$hashed_attachment_dir/$localfilename"; $fp = fopen($full_localfilename, 'w'); fwrite ($fp, $body); fclose($fp); $composeMessage->initAttachment('message/rfc822',$subject.'.msg', $localfilename); } return $composeMessage; } function showInputForm ($session, $values=false) { global $send_to, $send_to_cc, $body, $startMessage, $attachments, $session_expired, $passed_body, $color, $use_signature, $signature, $prefix_sig, $editor_size, $editor_height, $subject, $newmail, $use_javascript_addr_book, $send_to_bcc, $passed_id, $mailbox, $from_htmladdr_search, $location_of_buttons, $attachment_dir, $username, $data_dir, $identity, $idents, $draft_id, $delete_draft, $mailprio, $default_use_mdn, $mdn_user_support, $compose_new_win, $saved_draft, $mail_sent, $sig_first, $edit_as_new, $action, $username, $composesession, $default_charset, $composeMessage, $javascript_on; if ($javascript_on) $onfocus = ' onfocus="alreadyFocused=true;"'; else $onfocus = ''; if ($values) { $send_to = $values['send_to']; $send_to_cc = $values['send_to_cc']; $send_to_bcc = $values['send_to_bcc']; $subject = $values['subject']; $mailprio = $values['mailprio']; $body = $values['body']; $identity = (int) $values['identity']; } else { $send_to = decodeHeader($send_to, true, false); $send_to_cc = decodeHeader($send_to_cc, true, false); $send_to_bcc = decodeHeader($send_to_bcc, true, false); } if ($use_javascript_addr_book) { echo "\n". '\n\n"; } echo "\n" . '

\n"; echo addHidden('startMessage', $startMessage); if ($action == 'draft') { echo addHidden('delete_draft', $passed_id); } if (isset($delete_draft)) { echo addHidden('delete_draft', $delete_draft); } if (isset($session)) { echo addHidden('session', $session); } if (isset($passed_id)) { echo addHidden('passed_id', $passed_id); } if ($saved_draft == 'yes') { echo '
'. _("Your draft has been saved.").'
'; } if ($mail_sent == 'yes') { echo '
'. _("Your mail has been sent.").'
'; } if ($compose_new_win == '1') { echo ''."\n" . ' '.html_tag( 'td', '', 'right' ). ''."\n"; } else { echo '
' . "\n"; } if ($location_of_buttons == 'top') { showComposeButtonRow(); } /* display select list for identities */ if (count($idents) > 1) { echo ' ' . "\n" . html_tag( 'td', '', 'right', $color[4], 'width="10%"' ) . _("From:") . '' . "\n" . html_tag( 'td', '', 'left', $color[4], 'width="90%"' ) . ' ' . "\n" . ' ' . "\n" . ' ' . "\n"; } echo ' ' . "\n" . html_tag( 'td', '', 'right', $color[4], 'width="10%"' ) . _("To:") . '' . "\n" . html_tag( 'td', '', 'left', $color[4], 'width="90%"' ) . substr(addInput('send_to', $send_to, 60), 0, -3). $onfocus . ' />
' . "\n" . ' ' . "\n" . ' ' . "\n" . ' ' . "\n" . html_tag( 'td', '', 'right', $color[4] ) . _("Cc:") . '' . "\n" . html_tag( 'td', '', 'left', $color[4] ) . substr(addInput('send_to_cc', $send_to_cc, 60), 0, -3). $onfocus . ' />
' . "\n" . ' ' . "\n" . ' ' . "\n" . ' ' . "\n" . html_tag( 'td', '', 'right', $color[4] ) . _("Bcc:") . '' . "\n" . html_tag( 'td', '', 'left', $color[4] ) . substr(addInput('send_to_bcc', $send_to_bcc, 60), 0, -3). $onfocus . ' />
' . "\n" . ' ' . "\n" . ' ' . "\n" . ' ' . "\n" . html_tag( 'td', '', 'right', $color[4] ) . _("Subject:") . '' . "\n" . html_tag( 'td', '', 'left', $color[4] ) . "\n"; echo ' '.substr(addInput('subject', $subject, 60), 0, -3). $onfocus . ' /> ' . "\n" . ' ' . "\n\n"; if ($location_of_buttons == 'between') { showComposeButtonRow(); } /* why this distinction? */ if ($compose_new_win == '1') { echo ' ' . "\n" . ' ' . "\n" . ' ' . "\n"; if ($location_of_buttons == 'bottom') { showComposeButtonRow(); } else { echo ' ' . "\n" . html_tag( 'td', '', 'right', '', 'colspan="2"' ) . "\n" . ' ' . addSubmit(_("Send"), 'send'). '     

' . "\n" . ' ' . "\n" . ' ' . "\n"; } // composeMessage can be empty when coming from a restored session if (is_object($composeMessage) && $composeMessage->entities) $attach_array = $composeMessage->entities; if ($session_expired && !empty($attachments) && is_array($attachments)) $attach_array = $attachments; /* This code is for attachments */ if ((bool) ini_get('file_uploads')) { /* Calculate the max size for an uploaded file. * This is advisory for the user because we can't actually prevent * people to upload too large files. */ $sizes = array(); /* php.ini vars which influence the max for uploads */ $configvars = array('post_max_size', 'memory_limit', 'upload_max_filesize'); foreach($configvars as $var) { /* skip 0 or empty values, and -1 which means 'unlimited' */ if( $size = getByteSize(ini_get($var)) ) { if ( $size != '-1' ) { $sizes[] = $size; } } } if(count($sizes) > 0) { $maxsize = '(max. ' . show_readable_size( min( $sizes ) ) . ')' . addHidden('MAX_FILE_SIZE', min( $sizes )); } else { $maxsize = ''; } echo ' ' . "\n" . ' ' . "\n" . ' ' . "\n" . '
' . "\n" . '
' . "\n" . '
' . "\n" . ' ' . "\n" . ' ' . "\n" . ' ' . html_tag( 'td', '', 'left', $color[0], 'colspan="2"' ) . $s .''; } echo ''; } echo '
' . "\n" . ' ' . "\n" . ' ' . "\n" . html_tag( 'td', '', 'right', '', 'valign="middle"' ) . _("Attach:") . '' . "\n" . html_tag( 'td', '', 'left', '', 'valign="middle"' ) . ' ' . "\n" . '   ' . "\n" . $maxsize . ' ' . "\n" . ' ' . "\n"; $s_a = array(); global $username, $attachment_dir; $hashed_attachment_dir = getHashedDir($username, $attachment_dir); if (!empty($attach_array)) { foreach ($attach_array as $key => $attachment) { $attached_file = $attachment->att_local_name; if ($attachment->att_local_name || $attachment->body_part) { $attached_filename = decodeHeader($attachment->mime_header->getParameter('name')); $type = $attachment->mime_header->type0.'/'. $attachment->mime_header->type1; $s_a[] = '
'. addCheckBox('delete[]', FALSE, $key). "\n" . $attached_filename . '- ' . $type . '('. show_readable_size( filesize( $hashed_attachment_dir . '/' . $attached_file ) ) . ')
'."\n"; } } } if (count($s_a)) { foreach ($s_a as $s) { echo '
\n" . '
' . "\n" . '
' . "\n" . ' ' . "\n" . ' ' . "\n"; } // End of file_uploads if-block /* End of attachment code */ echo '' . "\n" . addHidden('username', $username). addHidden('smaction', $action). addHidden('mailbox', $mailbox); sqgetGlobalVar('QUERY_STRING', $queryString, SQ_SERVER); /* store the complete ComposeMessages array in a hidden input value so we can restore them in case of a session timeout. */ echo addHidden('composesession', $composesession). addHidden('querystring', $queryString). (!empty($attach_array) ? addHidden('attachments', serialize($attach_array)) : ''). "
\n"; if (!(bool) ini_get('file_uploads')) { /* File uploads are off, so we didn't show that part of the form. To avoid bogus bug reports, tell the user why. */ echo '

' . _("Because PHP file uploads are turned off, you can not attach files to this message. Please see your system administrator for details.") . "

\r\n"; } do_hook('compose_bottom'); echo '' . "\n"; } function showComposeButtonRow() { global $use_javascript_addr_book, $save_as_draft, $default_use_priority, $mailprio, $default_use_mdn, $request_mdn, $request_dr, $data_dir, $username; echo ' ' . "\n" . ' ' . "\n" . ' ' . "\n"; if ($default_use_priority) { if(!isset($mailprio)) { $mailprio = '3'; } echo ' ' . _("Priority") . addSelect('mailprio', array( '1' => _("High"), '3' => _("Normal"), '5' => _("Low") ), $mailprio, TRUE); } $mdn_user_support=getPref($data_dir, $username, 'mdn_user_support',$default_use_mdn); if ($default_use_mdn) { if ($mdn_user_support) { echo ' ' . _("Receipt") .': '. addCheckBox('request_mdn', $request_mdn == '1', '1'). _("On Read"). addCheckBox('request_dr', $request_dr == '1', '1'). _("On Delivery"); } } echo ' ' . "\n" . ' ' . "\n" . ' ' . "\n" . ' ' . "\n" . ' ' . "\n" . ' ' . "\n"; if ($use_javascript_addr_book) { echo " \n"; } else { echo ' ' . "\n"; } if ($save_as_draft) { echo ' \n"; } echo ' ' . "\n"; do_hook('compose_button_row'); echo ' ' . "\n" . ' ' . "\n\n"; } function checkInput ($show) { /* * I implemented the $show variable because the error messages * were getting sent before the page header. So, I check once * using $show=false, and then when i'm ready to display the error * message, show=true */ global $body, $send_to, $send_to_cc, $send_to_bcc, $subject, $color; $send_to = trim($send_to); $send_to_cc = trim($send_to_cc); $send_to_bcc = trim($send_to_bcc); if (empty($send_to) && empty($send_to_cc) && empty($send_to_bcc)) { if ($show) { plain_error_message(_("You have not filled in the \"To:\" field."), $color); } return false; } return true; } /* function checkInput() */ /* True if FAILURE */ function saveAttachedFiles($session) { global $_FILES, $attachment_dir, $username, $data_dir, $composeMessage; /* get out of here if no file was attached at all */ if (! is_uploaded_file($_FILES['attachfile']['tmp_name']) ) { return true; } $hashed_attachment_dir = getHashedDir($username, $attachment_dir); $localfilename = GenerateRandomString(32, '', 7); $full_localfilename = "$hashed_attachment_dir/$localfilename"; while (file_exists($full_localfilename)) { $localfilename = GenerateRandomString(32, '', 7); $full_localfilename = "$hashed_attachment_dir/$localfilename"; } // FIXME: we SHOULD prefer move_uploaded_file over rename because // m_u_f works better with restricted PHP installs (safe_mode, open_basedir) if (!@rename($_FILES['attachfile']['tmp_name'], $full_localfilename)) { if (!@move_uploaded_file($_FILES['attachfile']['tmp_name'],$full_localfilename)) { return true; } } $type = strtolower($_FILES['attachfile']['type']); $name = $_FILES['attachfile']['name']; $composeMessage->initAttachment($type, $name, $localfilename); } /* parse values like 8M and 2k into bytes */ function getByteSize($ini_size) { if(!$ini_size) { return FALSE; } $ini_size = trim($ini_size); // if there's some kind of letter at the end of the string we need to multiply. if(!is_numeric(substr($ini_size, -1))) { switch(strtoupper(substr($ini_size, -1))) { case 'G': $bytesize = 1073741824; break; case 'M': $bytesize = 1048576; break; case 'K': $bytesize = 1024; break; } return ($bytesize * (int)substr($ini_size, 0, -1)); } return $ini_size; } /** * temporary function to make use of the deliver class. * In the future the responsible backend should be automaticly loaded * and conf.pl should show a list of available backends. * The message also should be constructed by the message class. * * @param object $composeMessage The message being sent. Please note * that it is passed by reference and * will be returned modified, with additional * headers, such as Message-ID, Date, In-Reply-To, * References, and so forth. * * @return boolean FALSE if delivery failed, or some non-FALSE value * upon success. * */ function deliverMessage(&$composeMessage, $draft=false) { global $send_to, $send_to_cc, $send_to_bcc, $mailprio, $subject, $body, $username, $popuser, $usernamedata, $identity, $idents, $data_dir, $request_mdn, $request_dr, $default_charset, $color, $useSendmail, $domain, $action, $default_move_to_sent, $move_to_sent; global $imapServerAddress, $imapPort, $sent_folder, $key; $rfc822_header = $composeMessage->rfc822_header; $abook = addressbook_init(false, true); $rfc822_header->to = $rfc822_header->parseAddress($send_to,true, array(), '', $domain, array(&$abook,'lookup')); $rfc822_header->cc = $rfc822_header->parseAddress($send_to_cc,true,array(), '',$domain, array(&$abook,'lookup')); $rfc822_header->bcc = $rfc822_header->parseAddress($send_to_bcc,true, array(), '',$domain, array(&$abook,'lookup')); $rfc822_header->priority = $mailprio; $rfc822_header->subject = $subject; $special_encoding=''; if (strtolower($default_charset) == 'iso-2022-jp') { if (mb_detect_encoding($body) == 'ASCII') { $special_encoding = '8bit'; } else { $body = mb_convert_encoding($body, 'JIS'); $special_encoding = '7bit'; } } $composeMessage->setBody($body); if (ereg("^([^@%/]+)[@%/](.+)$", $username, $usernamedata)) { $popuser = $usernamedata[1]; $domain = $usernamedata[2]; unset($usernamedata); } else { $popuser = $username; } $reply_to = ''; $from_mail = $idents[$identity]['email_address']; $full_name = $idents[$identity]['full_name']; $reply_to = $idents[$identity]['reply_to']; if (!$from_mail) { $from_mail = "$popuser@$domain"; } $rfc822_header->from = $rfc822_header->parseAddress($from_mail,true); if ($full_name) { $from = $rfc822_header->from[0]; if (!$from->host) $from->host = $domain; $full_name_encoded = encodeHeader($full_name); if ($full_name_encoded != $full_name) { $from_addr = $full_name_encoded .' <'.$from->mailbox.'@'.$from->host.'>'; } else { $from_addr = '"'.$full_name .'" <'.$from->mailbox.'@'.$from->host.'>'; } $rfc822_header->from = $rfc822_header->parseAddress($from_addr,true); } if ($reply_to) { $rfc822_header->reply_to = $rfc822_header->parseAddress($reply_to,true); } /* Receipt: On Read */ if (isset($request_mdn) && $request_mdn) { $rfc822_header->dnt = $rfc822_header->parseAddress($from_mail,true); } /* Receipt: On Delivery */ if (isset($request_dr) && $request_dr) { $rfc822_header->more_headers['Return-Receipt-To'] = $from_mail; } /* multipart messages */ if (count($composeMessage->entities)) { $message_body = new Message(); $message_body->body_part = $composeMessage->body_part; $composeMessage->body_part = ''; $mime_header = new MessageHeader; $mime_header->type0 = 'text'; $mime_header->type1 = 'plain'; if ($special_encoding) { $mime_header->encoding = $special_encoding; } else { $mime_header->encoding = '8bit'; } if ($default_charset) { $mime_header->parameters['charset'] = $default_charset; } $message_body->mime_header = $mime_header; array_unshift($composeMessage->entities, $message_body); $content_type = new ContentType('multipart/mixed'); } else { $content_type = new ContentType('text/plain'); if ($special_encoding) { $rfc822_header->encoding = $special_encoding; } else { $rfc822_header->encoding = '8bit'; } if ($default_charset) { $content_type->properties['charset']=$default_charset; } } $rfc822_header->content_type = $content_type; $composeMessage->rfc822_header = $rfc822_header; if ($action == 'reply' || $action == 'reply_all') { global $passed_id, $passed_ent_id; $reply_id = $passed_id; $reply_ent_id = $passed_ent_id; } else { $reply_id = ''; $reply_ent_id = ''; } /* Here you can modify the message structure just before we hand it over to deliver */ $hookReturn = do_hook('compose_send', $composeMessage); /* Get any changes made by plugins to $composeMessage. */ if ( is_object($hookReturn[1]) ) { $composeMessage = $hookReturn[1]; } if (!$useSendmail && !$draft) { require_once(SM_PATH . 'class/deliver/Deliver_SMTP.class.php'); $deliver = new Deliver_SMTP(); global $smtpServerAddress, $smtpPort, $pop_before_smtp; $authPop = (isset($pop_before_smtp) && $pop_before_smtp) ? true : false; $user = ''; $pass = ''; get_smtp_user($user, $pass); $stream = $deliver->initStream($composeMessage,$domain,0, $smtpServerAddress, $smtpPort, $user, $pass, $authPop); } elseif (!$draft) { require_once(SM_PATH . 'class/deliver/Deliver_SendMail.class.php'); global $sendmail_path, $sendmail_args; // Check for outdated configuration if (!isset($sendmail_args)) { if ($sendmail_path=='/var/qmail/bin/qmail-inject') { $sendmail_args = ''; } else { $sendmail_args = '-i -t'; } } $deliver = new Deliver_SendMail(array('sendmail_args'=>$sendmail_args)); $stream = $deliver->initStream($composeMessage,$sendmail_path); } elseif ($draft) { global $draft_folder; $imap_stream = sqimap_login($username, $key, $imapServerAddress, $imapPort, 0); if (sqimap_mailbox_exists ($imap_stream, $draft_folder)) { require_once(SM_PATH . 'class/deliver/Deliver_IMAP.class.php'); $imap_deliver = new Deliver_IMAP(); $succes = $imap_deliver->mail($composeMessage, $imap_stream, $reply_id, $reply_ent_id, $imap_stream, $draft_folder); sqimap_logout($imap_stream); unset ($imap_deliver); $composeMessage->purgeAttachments(); return $succes; } else { $msg = '
'.sprintf(_("Error: Draft folder %s does not exist."), htmlspecialchars($draft_folder)); plain_error_message($msg, $color); return false; } } $succes = false; if ($stream) { $deliver->mail($composeMessage, $stream, $reply_id, $reply_ent_id); $succes = $deliver->finalizeStream($stream); } if (!$succes) { $msg = _("Message not sent.") .' '. _("Server replied:") . "\n
\n" . $deliver->dlv_msg . '
' . $deliver->dlv_ret_nr . ' ' . $deliver->dlv_server_msg . "
\n\n"; plain_error_message($msg, $color); } else { unset ($deliver); $imap_stream = sqimap_login($username, $key, $imapServerAddress, $imapPort, 0); // mark original message as having been replied to if applicable global $passed_id, $mailbox, $action; if ($action == 'reply' || $action == 'reply_all') { sqimap_mailbox_select ($imap_stream, $mailbox); sqimap_messages_flag ($imap_stream, $passed_id, $passed_id, 'Answered', false); } // copy message to sent folder $move_to_sent = getPref($data_dir,$username,'move_to_sent'); if (isset($default_move_to_sent) && ($default_move_to_sent != 0)) { $svr_allow_sent = true; } else { $svr_allow_sent = false; } if (isset($sent_folder) && (($sent_folder != '') || ($sent_folder != 'none')) && sqimap_mailbox_exists( $imap_stream, $sent_folder)) { $fld_sent = true; } else { $fld_sent = false; } if ((isset($move_to_sent) && ($move_to_sent != 0)) || (!isset($move_to_sent))) { $lcl_allow_sent = true; } else { $lcl_allow_sent = false; } if (($fld_sent && $svr_allow_sent && !$lcl_allow_sent) || ($fld_sent && $lcl_allow_sent)) { require_once(SM_PATH . 'class/deliver/Deliver_IMAP.class.php'); $imap_deliver = new Deliver_IMAP(); $imap_deliver->mail($composeMessage, $imap_stream, $reply_id, $reply_ent_id, $imap_stream, $sent_folder); unset ($imap_deliver); } $composeMessage->purgeAttachments(); sqimap_logout($imap_stream); } return $succes; }