data['forwarding']) || !($forward_destination == $prev_destination) ) { if ( $forward_state == ENABLE ) { if ( $forward_destination{0} == "." || !check_email($forward_destination) ) { list($alias,$fdomain) = preg_split('/@/',$forward_destination); report_error(GENERAL_ERROR,sprintf(_('The email address you want to forward to appears to be invalid. Check that it is in the format of user@domain.tld. It is also likely that no MX record exists for %s.'),$fdomain)); } } ratify_user_mail_forwarding($user->data,$forward_state,$forward_destination,$forward_save_state); } if (!$forward_destination ) $forward_destination = $hidden_destination; $sql = sprintf("UPDATE %s SET %s name = '%s', user_lang = '%s', modified = '%d', items_per_page = '%d', forwarding = '%d', forward_save = '%d', forward_dest = '%s', style_id = '%d' WHERE user_id = '%d'", USERS_TABLE,$update_password,$name,$user_lang,$config['current_time'],$items_per_page,$forward_state,$forward_save_state,$forward_destination,$style_id,$user->data['user_id']); if ( !($result = $db->sql_query($sql)) ) { report_error(CRITICAL_MESSAGE,'Error 2522: '.sprintf(_('Unable to update: %s'),USERS_TABLE),$sql,__FILE__,__LINE__); } $sql = str_replace($password,HIDE_PASS,$sql); watchdog($sql); if ( isset($change_password) ) { define('VMA_LOGIN',TRUE); $user->session_end($user->data['token'],$user->data['user_id']); end_transaction(GENERAL_MESSAGE,sprintf(_('Your information has been updated. You are now being logged out.%s%sIf you are not redirected in 5 seconds, %sclickhere%s.'),'
','',''),NULL,'password_update'); } else { end_transaction(GENERAL_MESSAGE,sprintf(_('Your information has been updated %sand will take effect after the next page refresh.'),'
'),append_sid($base)); } ?>